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About Me

I'm fairly certain my love of massage began with being the client. It was such a gift to receive that I wanted to be able to give.  Initially my focus was on Mind-Body-Spirit healing and connection, but after completing Cert IV in Massage Therapy I chose to continue on to the Diploma of Remedial Massage to also be able to provide an evidence-based practice. 

Similarly, I initially approached my studies in Acupuncture as a form of energy healing, but learned to integrate a western medical perspective in order to provide the best of both worlds to my clients. 

I have developed my massage style in a variety of environments, from a boutique day spa attached to a B&B in the Blue Mountains, to a five-star spa in the Gold Coast Hinterland; I have worked alongside chiropractors and physiotherapists with clients of all ages, and my gentle approach to remedial massage was fine-tuned while working within the Aged Care industry. 

In 2021 I was diagnosed with, and treated for, Breast Cancer (ER+, PR+, HER2-). Instead of launching my career as an acupuncturist, I had to withdraw to focus on my own healing. I sought out care from a team of therapists and health practitioners to support me in my return to living and working post-cancer.


Understandably, my practice has changed to adapt to my new body. Like you, I am a work-in-progress. 

Although I had experienced physical and mental health conditions in my life before cancer, I now have an even deeper understanding of, and compassion for, those who are living with chronic pain, fatigue or fluctuating levels of energy, feelings of vulnerability and a desire to just be nurtured and to feel 'held' in a safe and supportive space where healing can begin to occur. It is my personal experience that both remedial and relaxation massage and acupuncture have a place, along with other therapies like osteopathy, naturopathy, and diet and lifestyle changes, to provide significant support to the medical treatments you will take to return you to health and happiness. 

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